Tuesday, March 10, 2009

All authority is appointed by God

President Obama has been in office approximately 50 days. It is a short "drop in the bucket" before completing a full term. For some this may be exciting, for others, a dreaded road.

Barak Obama was certainly not my choice as President. It is very easy as I talk with others who also did not vote for Barak Obama to complain and grumble about this administration under his leadership. We may not agree with his choices and decisions and there is nothing wrong with disagreeing with them. However, there is a line that we are warned by the Lord that should not be crossed. We are not to speak evil of him or curse him.

Exodus 22:28 says "we are not to curse a ruler of our people." In fact Paul quotes this verse in Acts 23:5. Ecclesiastes 10:20 says "Do not curse the king, even in your thought."

The reason we are not to speak evil or curse President Obama is because he has been appointed by the Lord to be where he is. To speak evil of him is to speak evil of the Lord since He is the one who appointed him. The 13th chapter of Romans clearly explains that "we are to be subject to governing authorities and that there is no authority except from God, and the authorities that exist are appointed by God."

One of the ways to support him is certainly to pray for God's leading in his life.
In the meantime, we can take an active roll where we can make a difference and help to make changes but realizing it is all under the authority of the Lord.