Monday, September 21, 2009

Pray for Your Church Leaders

On March 10, 2009 I wrote about our responsibility to pray for our governing authorities using the passage from Romans 13:1. I was specifically talking about our President, Senators, Congressman - those who are the leaders of this country.

Today I would like to bring to our attention the fact that we are to pray for all men as Paul writes to Timothy in 1 Timothy 2: 1-3. We are exhorted to pray for those who are in authority over us to include our elders or overseers. I chose this passage in Timothy because Paul instructs Timothy in the third chapter as to the qualifications of overseers. Depending on your church affiliation you have elders or deacons who are appointed officers over you. In most churches the congregation is the one who votes the officers into office.

Many times we are critical of our overseers. If we are honest, we can find faults in our officers and spend a lot of time dwelling on it. These men are human as we are. They are not perfect. They have the same struggles as we do. They will let you down at some point. They are to receive forgiveness as we receive forgiveness. The question is how often do we pray for these men and their families? This of course includes your Pastor. Paul tells Timothy that we are to pray and give thanks for all men - all who are in authority over us.

It is a hard responsibility to lead God's people. They need our prayers and we are exhorted to pray for them. Pray regularly for them. Our officers are called to rule well. 1 Timothy 5:17 says "Let the elders who rule well be counted worthy of double honor, especially those who labor in the word and doctrine." Paul says in verse 19 that we are "not to receive an accusation against an elder except from two or three witnesses."

I can hear you saying right now "But Merril you don't know this elder or that elder. You don't understand." I understand that there are elders and officers who will let you down and not follow through with the qualifications the Lord has for them but even so, we are to pray for them. More often than not our complaints are more a personal issue.

If you already pray for your church leaders, keep praying. If you do not pray for them consistently I would encourage you to do so. You will probably find that some positive changes will take place - both in you and in them.

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