Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Jesus Is Here

When my grandson was just a little over two years old we were sitting together in the backseat of our car going to dinner. At one point I said to him "I'm so glad you are sitting back here with me so I wouldn't be all alone." He quickly said "Momma, you're not alone. Jesus is here." It was a great and quick reminder that we are never alone. It was even more precious to see this truth coming from him.

As the Christmas season draws near we begin to hear over and over again the Christmas story - our Holy God becoming flesh to save His people from their sins. In Matthew 1: 23 we are told "Behold, the virgin shall be with child, and bear a Son, and they shall call His name Immanuel," which is translated, "God with us."

About 8 years ago this truth had significant impact on my life and even more so during the Christmas holidays. I had been a Christian for many years but somehow was finding the Christmas celebration stale. I had become numb to the Christmas hymns and stories and struggled to be excited about this celebration. God in His wonderful mercy impacted me with the truth of His presence with us in the person of Jesus Christ.

This past Sunday the assistant pastor of the church we visited spoke on Matthew 1: 18-25. His main message was "God with us." He reminded us of God's presence with us in everything. You go to the doctor and receive bad news - God is with you, you receive news of the death of a family member - God is with you, your marriage is falling apart - God is with you, you're struggling with parenting - God is with you, you lose your job - God is with you. In all of these difficult situations the thing to cling to is God's presence with us. God became flesh to redeem us, save us from our sins and help us live in a fallen world. He did not just wind things up and let it run. He is here! He loves us! He will never leave you nor forsake you.

As the Christmas holidays come upon us and all the celebration that comes with it, it is my prayer for all of us that we would remember the truth of what the name Immanuel means - "God with us."

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