Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Talker or Listener?

Recently I was talking to someone or more accurately listening to someone who I confess was really beginning to irritate me. When you are with someone like this your eyes begin to glaze over and you begin to look for any possible way to get out of the conversation as graciously as possible. Unfortunately, I realized this is the way with many people. Webster says a conversation is an"oral exchange of sentiments, observations, opinions, or ideas." The key word here is exchange.

I happen to be a people person. My husband says I can talk to someone for five minutes and find out more about them than he would after many conversations with them. I don't know why I am like that but I am. I ask a lot of questions and am truly interested in learning about you. My son teases me and has told me I'd make a good reporter because I am nosy. I would like to think it is because I do have a genuine concern for people.

Philippians 2: 4 says "Let each of you look out not only for his own interests, but also for the interests of others."

Even though I like to ask questions, I also like to talk to someone who is showing an interest in me. I am sure many of you feel the same way.

Here is where I am going to get nosy. How about you? Truly stop and evaluate your behavior when you are in a social setting. Do you dominate the conversation talking about your work, spouse, kids and anything of interest to you? When someone speaks to you do you just go into non-stop verbiage or do you see the person and have a genuine interest in their interests? Notice this verse in Philippians doesn't say we are not to look out for our interests. It says "not only" our interests. We should first and foremost look out for the interest of others. In verse 3 of this passage we see we are to each esteem others better than ourselves.

The road that leads to joy is one where we are following the Lord in His ways. He has given us His word to teach us how to live before Him and others. If we are so wrapped up in ourselves chances are there will be little or no joy. Joy comes as we live for Christ and others even to include the simple conversation.

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