Friday, April 2, 2010

He is Risen!

Since I woke up this morning I have such a strong sense of Christ's resurrection. No doubt the coming of Easter this weekend has heightened my awareness and freshness of His resurrection.

Death is not an easy thing to think about - ours or someone we know. Yet, without Christ's death and the shedding of His blood there is no forgiveness (Heb. 9:22). We know that Christ has come to take the sting out of death. Death is swallowed up in victory (I Corinth. 15: 54, 55).

Jesus, in all His perfection, took the horrible suffering on the cross for my sin and yours. It was a dreadful death. If we knew someone personally who suffered this way it would give us great sorrow. Still, somehow we look at Jesus' death as more of just a historical event.

I think of Jesus having breakfast by sea with his disciples after His resurrection (John 21). What a totally glorious day that had to be for them. The horror of His death was behind them and now they could look forward to the final resurrection when they would be with Him. It should bring great comfort to those of us in Christ to know that the sting of death is gone. He has taken the sting out of death. Death now becomes a journey to be united with the resurrected Christ forever.

"I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live. And whoever lives and believes in Me shall never die. Do you believe this ? (John 11: 25, 26)"

Happy Easter!

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