Monday, May 17, 2010

Strength from the Lord

If you go to the grocery store and purchase several bags of groceries, chances are you will take them out to your car in a shopping cart. You probably would not think about trying to carry them out in your arms all at once, nor carrying a couple at a time until they were all placed in your car. You would use the strength of the grocery cart to carry them.

When we are faced with difficult times or people who may be our enemies, how quick are we to depend upon the strength of the Lord? Many times we struggle and depend on our own strength to help us through. Yet, there is the Lord always ready to help in our time of trouble (Psalm 27:5). I have this picture in my mind of us struggling in our difficulties while the Lord is standing right there ready to carry them for us (Psalm 25:22). It would be like saying to the "bagger" at the grocery store, "Oh, don't put them in the cart where it would be much easier to carry. Just let me take them out a couple at a time and come back for more." You may think my thinking is a little warped, but I think it makes the point.

"For who is God, except the LORD? And who is a rock, except our God? It is God who arms me with strength, and makes my way perfect. He makes my feet like the feet of deer, and sets me on my high places" (Psalm 18: 31-34). These are Davids words when he is delivered from the hands of his enemies. Just as you would let the strength of the cart carry your groceries, let the strength of the Lord carry your burdens. He is a shield to all those who trust in Him and His way is perfect (Psalm 18: 30).

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