Monday, May 24, 2010

Tie a String Around Your Finger

I have heard people say they are going to "tie a string around their finger" so they will not forget something. I admit I have never seen anyone with a string tied around their finger. With the use of BlackBerry's and other technology, we have better ways to help us remember. Let's face it, we are so busy we do forget things if we don't use ways to help us remember. I'm still stuck in the "old days." I have a tablet that sits by our phone that I use to jot down everything I need to remember for that day or the week to include things to do, people to call and food to buy. It works for me.

In Numbers 15 the Lord instructs the children of Israel to make tassels on the corner of their garments and a blue thread in the tassels of the corners (v.38). Notice He says to do this "throughout their generations." This was to be done so they could look on the tassel and be reminded to keep the commandments of the Lord and do them (v.39). He wanted them to remember to be holy as He is holy (v.40). He also wanted them to remember "I am the LORD your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, to be your God; I am the LORD your God" (v.41).

We shouldn't need to be reminded to remember the Lord and keep His commandments, but we are just like the children of Israel and prone to forget His commandments and holiness. Perhaps it is a good idea for us to choose the color blue as a reminder to us of these things. Should we hang a "tassel with blue" from our key chains as a reminder at all times of God's holiness and His instructions for us to "do His commandments?" It is easy for us to get busy in our day and forget His holiness and commandments, as well as His forgiveness, grace and love to us through Jesus Christ. Maybe the color blue can have a whole new meaning for us. Look at it and be reminded!


Trish said...

Good words; much like our conversation the other day. :) I have some blog reading to catch up on and I look forward to being encouraged by it. Thanks!

Trish said...

Oops I meant to post my comment on the previous blog entry, but these are good words too! :)