Monday, July 6, 2009

Respectable Sins

The latest book I read was "Respectable Sins" by Jerry Bridges. In my writing today I will use some particular thoughts from his book.

First, let me explain that the theme of his book is that there are sins we tolerate because they don't fall into the category of the biggies - murder, adultery or what we would call heinous sins. The ones he speaks of are ungodliness, anxiety, frustration, discontentment, unthankfulness, pride, selfishness and he lists many others. He contends that these are the sins we tolerate or pay little attention to.

One chapter which clearly arrested my attention was his chapter on "Ungodliness". We refer to those who do not know the Lord as "ungodly" but we as believers are guilty of "ungodliness" to some degree. He says "Ungodliness may be defined as living one's everyday life with little or no thought of God, or of God's will, or of God's glory, or of one's dependence on God".

This was a very convicting statement. I won't deny that I could think of some Christian people I know who would claim the name of Christ yet do not have a lot of room in their lives for Christ. Having said that I was more convicted by my own lack of thoughts of God so well written in Bridges' definition. He says that the sins we except in our lives can ultimately be traced to this root of ungodliness. I Timothy 4:7 is written to believers yet Paul says we are to exercise ourselves unto godliness.

Take some time to meditate on Bridges definition of "ungodliness". The good news is if you are convicted as I was, remember the Lord's assurance of forgiveness in I John 1:9. Then read Psalm 63:1,2 and ponder and pray over it to help you.

This book is one I would recommend reading. I fully understand that not everyone is affected by the same books but certainly I would hope that Bridges book would be an encouragement to you as you seek to grow in godliness.

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