Monday, July 13, 2009

Weary from the Journey

In John 4 Jesus has a meeting with a Samaritan woman near the plot of ground Jacob gave to his son Joseph. The scripture tells us He was weary from His journey. So he sat down by the well and that is where he met the Samaritan woman.

Jesus being weary from His journey is the first thing that arrested my attention. Jesus was fully God and yet fully man. We know that to be true from the scriptures, yet it is something we find very difficult to fully understand. I am thankful for those times in the scripture that the Lord shows us glimpses of Jesus' being like us yet without sin. Because He is fully man and can identify with me, it gives me such a sense of "awe" that our God emptied Himself to do so. Philippians 2:7

We know that He wept at the tomb of Lazarus because He loved him so. In Luke 19 He wept over the city of Jerusalem because of its unbelief. Then of course the most difficult time for Jesus was when He was facing the agony of the cross. Luke 22 gives us that account. Peter, James and John went up on the Mount of Olives with Him. He withdrew from them about "a stone's throw" away to pray. He asked the Lord to take that cup from Him and wanted not His will but the Father's will to be done. He was in agony and sweat great drops of blood.

Hebrews 4 tells us He can sympathize with our weaknesses because in all points He was tempted as we are, yet without sin. Notice it says in "all" points.

Scripture does not contain all the activities and struggles Jesus went through but we know that we have not struggled with anything that He has not struggled with, yet without sin.

This morning I was running errands and feeling discouraged about some issues. As I did my errands this morning I found such comfort to know that I was not alone. I was not going through anything that He Himself had not been tempted with at some point in His time on earth. I was comforted by that because I know the resurrected Christ lives in me. He continues to forgive us for our sins and weaknesses as we confess those to Him and to know that He truly sympathizes with my struggles brings a sense of peace that I am not alone in these struggles.

How about you? Take some time to think about the man, Jesus - fully God, yet fully man. Find joy and comfort in these words. "For we do not have a High Priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but was in all points tempted as we are, yet without sin." Hebrews 4:15,16

He was weary from His journey.

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