Wednesday, February 3, 2010

"Piece of Work"

,My son uses a phrase when he is teasing someone about their behavior or attitude in some area. "You are a piece of work." He may not realize it but he is absolutely right. I am a "piece of work." God's "piece of work."

We are all familiar with Ephesians 2: 8, 9 where Paul tells us we are saved by grace through faith and that it is a gift of God. These verses are favorites with most of us because they do remind us that we did nothing to deserve His grace. It was a gift. This is one of those places we sometimes leave off a key part in our memorization. Verse 10 says "For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them."

If someone ask you completely unaware of the reason for the question "why were you created?", what would your answer be? We may be quick to say "for His own glory." Do we really think about what that means in our day to day lives? We often forget He created us to be what we are and who we are. It is hard to understand this but if we believe in the sovereignty of God we know this is true.

He didn't create us to play and have a good life of nice things. He created us for good works. His good works. What do these good works look like? Everything we do and everything we say is to promote His kingdom and His coming - our marriages, school work, jobs, attitudes and relationships. God prepared these things beforehand that we should walk in them.

Wherever God has placed you and whatever He has called you to be, remember you are His "piece of work."

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